People arm-in-arm with talk bubbles saying "count vote"

Choose Democracy stands against this current administrative coup.

We’re democracy-loving people. We share practical actions and lessons from around the globe to fight authoritarians.

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What can I do to fight the coup?

People arm-in-arm with talk bubbles saying "count vote"

Starting points on how to orient and help fight the coup:

  1. Get with others to act
  2. Pressure a pillar of support to defect
  3. Devote yourself to a long-term project

Read complete guide: “What can I do to fight this coup?”


Get ideas and inspiration from stories of resistance at: Resist List
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Video:The 4 paths to resist Trump

Video: 10 ways to ground ourselves, resist Trump, and thrive over the next four years


WHAT IF TRUMP WINS? An Interactive Guide


EXPORE ONLINE with this free interactive pick-your-own-path adventure.

Your character helps grow the resistance.
Can you guide us towards a better, more humane democracy?

Start your own journey


Strategic Escalation in a Trump Era

120-minute training


  • Understand different of actions: symbolic actions, noncooperation (omission), disruption (commission), and alternative cooperation
  • How to be more powerful in action design, from humorous street theater to dilemma actions
  • Discuss how tactics may shift under a Trump Presidency
  • Touch on action safety and maintaining discipline

Sense-making and Vision: how did we get here?

120-minute training


  • preparing people emotionally to be ready to fight back (emotional triage),
  • girding people for the long fights ahead by making people feel part of a large resistance community (how to organize under the new threat),
  • orienting towards our next steps (you can adapt this to your design — here we’re introducing the “Block and Build” strategy).This design requires some adaptations for your group, including your specific plans next and some chances for leadership to openly reflect on what they’re taking away from this moment. (People will want to hear from you!)

Action Security and De-escalation

120-minute training


  • how to make actions safer before, during and after an action;
  • de-escalation with people on our side and opposition.

How to talk with people you might disagree with

120-minute training


  • Learn skills for bridging with unlikely allies:
    – reframing condemnatory ways of communicating
    – intro to Race/Class Narrative
    – asking open ended questions
    – sharing personal narratives
  • Committing to at least one place where we will practice (e.g. public invitations or deep canvassing or…).

Mutual Aid 101

120-minute training


  • Understand what mutual aid is and why people do it
  • Know the initial steps of starting your own neighborhood pod
  • Learn about Pod Mapping
    Have additional resources for your own mutual aid work


120-minute training


  • Build understanding of the contours of political violence, especially in our own contexts
  • Awaken imagination about how we might assertively respond in the face of threats or acts of political violence
  • Explore concepts that can help us identify and undermine political violence
  • Practice tools and approaches you can use at home right now or in a moment of crisis
  • Connect with others who are also working to interrupt political violence
  • Celebrate the ways our communities have creatively resisted political violence